I. Introduction

The crowd-investing technology platform available at https://climatewrx.com/, including any subdomain thereof (the “Portal” or the “Site”) maintained by WWF Funding Portal, LLC, and/or WWF Crowd, LLC (together "ClimateWrx", the “Company”, “we”, "our" or “us”), was created to provide you with information about our service, including our services relating to investments and the content, services and/or products provided through our Site (collectively, the “Service”).  We value the privacy of our Service visitors (“you,” “your,” or “User”), and in order to protect your personal information, we have implemented the following Privacy Policy with provisions that apply to the collection of data by us, our subsidiaries, and our affiliates.  If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, you should first contact us at support[at]climatewrx.com. This Privacy Policy specifies the personal information that we ask you to provide and how we treat this information. 

This Privacy Policy is part of our Terms of Service, and all the terms and conditions set forth in the Terms of Service also apply to this Privacy Policy. Capitalized terms that are not otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy have the meanings given to them in the Terms of Service. Each time you access, use, register with, or browse the ClimateWrx Site you expressly consent to ClimateWrx's then-current Privacy Policy, and the policies and practices described therein.


II. Your Consent

You will be deemed to have consented to the terms of this Privacy Policy by using the Site in any way, even just browsing. We may also ask you to indicate your consent more formally by checking a box or otherwise taking an affirmative action.

III. Changes to Privacy Policy

We might change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If you have consented merely by using the Site, then we will not necessarily notify you of the changes. If you have consented more formally, as described above, then the changes will not become effective until we have asked you for, and obtained, your consent.

IV. Personal Information We Collect

We collect personally identifiable and non-personal information from you when you visit the Site. The majority of information is collected during the registration and/or investment process and, while some items are optional, most are required for legal or security purposes. You may choose to provide additional information during subsequent visits to the Site, but keep in mind that some of this information will be required if you wish to partake in the Service. In general, the type of information we collect includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Personal data required to verify your identity;

  • Personal and financial data necessary to assess your eligibility to utilize the Services on the Site; and

  • Non-identifiable and aggregated personal data pertaining to your Site visits that help us maintain the appropriate features, functionality, and User experience.

A.  Personal Data

Investor registration applications will require you to provide basic personal data. Such information may include but not be limited to:    

  • Your name, address, phone number, email address, birth date, and other personal information.

  • Financial information, including your social security number, income, and net worth.

  • Copies of your tax returns, brokerage statements, W-2 forms, and other financial documents.

  • Your user name and password.

  • Information to confirm your identity, such as a completed electronic check transaction or a credit report.

  • Your W-9 form.

  • Information to confirm your place of residence.

  • Information about your use of the Site.

  • Information about your computer configuration.

  • Information to confirm your relationship with other parties associated with the Site.

  • Information about your bank accounts or other sources of payment.

  • Your IP address.

We use this data to: (i) enable you to log in to the Site; (ii) establish your ability to view offering materials and to make investments through the Site; (iii) verify that you are at least 18 years of age; (iv) guard against potential fraud; (v) contact you if there is a problem with your Account; and (vi) maintain regular communications with you as may be necessary to inform you of upcoming investment opportunities and other Company updates. 

We will also gather the names and email addresses of Users who contact us through the Site with questions about our Company or Site. We collect this information for the sole purpose of responding to such inquiries.            

B.  Financial Data

When you subscribe to make an investment in one of our offerings on the platform, you will again be asked for your personal data. You will also be required to provide financial data, such as your bank routing number or swift code, and bank account number, to help to facilitate the subscription process.

C. Non-Identifiable Data and Aggregated Personal Data

Regardless of whether you register for an Account or submit an application, we may send one or more “cookies” to your computer. Cookies are small text files placed on your web browser when you visit our Site that store information on your computer, such as your Site preferences. We use cookies when you sign in to keep track of your personal session, including some account identifiers to ensure that you are the only person making changes to your Account. We also use cookies to track your activity on the Site as a unique person. For security purposes, all of this information is stored in encrypted form. No personal information about you is stored.

You can set your web browser to inform you when cookies are set, or to prevent cookies from being set altogether. Please note, however, that if you decline to use cookies, you may experience reduced functionality and slower site response times. In some instances, declining to use our authentication-related cookies may prevent you from using the website entirely.

We, or our service providers, may also collect web surfing data related to your use of the Site. Such information may include: your Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, and internet service provider (ISP); your operating system; which of our web pages you access and how frequently you access them; referral or exit pages; click stream data; the dates and times that you visit the Site; and general geographical location. This data may be collected using cookies, web beacons, page tags or similar tools. As with cookies, the web surfing information is anonymous, “click stream” transactional data that is not associated with any Users as individuals.

Web surfing data and similar information may be aggregated for administrative purposes. We may, for example, use this aggregated information in the administration of the Site to improve its usability and to evaluate the success of particular marketing and advertising campaigns, search engine optimization strategies, and other marketing activities. We also may use it to help optimize the Site based on the needs of our Users.

If you would prefer not to see advertising based on your personal preferences, you can change your personal settings in Google (look for “Ad Settings”) or visit the website of the Network Advertising Initiative located at: http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/#completed

V. How We Use Your Personal Information

We do not sell or rent personal information about our Users for marketing purposes. We do, however, share your personal information with our trusted partners who perform vital functions with respect to the investment opportunities on our Site.  

In addition, your investment profile information may, in a generic way, be made publicly available for use on the “Statistics” page of the Site or in other summaries of aggregate investment data. 

If you use our communications forums on the Site, you should be aware that any personally identifiable information you submit there can be read, collected, or used by other Users of this forum and could be used to send you unsolicited messages. We are not responsible for the personally identifiable information you choose to submit through this forum.

Generally, we use your personal information to:

Verify that you are permitted to use and invest through the Site.

Keep track of your investments.

  • Guard against fraud.

  • Comply with applicable law.

  • Answer your questions.

  • Protect our rights.

  • Send to third parties at your request.

  • Process your transactions at the Site.

  • Determine whether your computer information is compatible with the Site.

  • Keep track of your use of the Site.

  • Send you information about your investments.

  • Notify you of other possible investments in which you might have an interest.

  • Analyze use of the Site.

  • Improve the Site.

  • Send you information about the Site.

  • Send you materials about us.

  • Other purposes we disclose to you.

 VI. What We Provide To Third Parties

We also work with providers of hosting services for the Site, electronic signature providers, and electronic payment service providers. We may engage third parties to help us carry out certain other internal functions such as account processing, client services, or other data collection relevant to our business. Examples of third parties might include those that perform data processing, reporting, tax documentation, custody or escrow services.  Information is shared with these third parties only to the extent necessary for us to process the transactions you initiate or perform, as well as other specific services, like collections.  Our partners are legally required to keep your information private and secure.

We may share your information with law enforcement or other government agencies as required by law or for the purposes of limiting fraud. We reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, legal process, government request, or to comply with any applicable law or regulation, foreign or domestic. We further reserve the right to disclose any of your personal information that we believe, in good faith, appropriate or necessary to take precautions against liability, to investigate and defend against any third party claims or allegations, to assist government enforcement agencies, to protect the security or integrity of the Site or the Service, or to protect the rights, property or personal safety of the Company, its Users, issuers, or others.

By utilizing the Site, you hereby give us the right to produce any and all messages or user content of any kind produced by you to county, state, and federal courts and/or government officials in response to a subpoena or other court order in the U.S., or in response to similar requests in other jurisdictions.

VII. Our Affiliates

We may provide information to one or more of our affiliates, meaning a company that we control or that is under common control with us. All of our affiliates will also be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy.

VIII. Notifications and Communications from Us

We will send you email notifications from time to time. For example, we may send you emails: 

  • To confirm your registration.

  • To provide you with legal notices.

  • To notify you of new investment opportunities.

  • When the online profile you created is changed.

  • To ask you to participate in surveys, or otherwise provide feedback.

  • To confirm your investment in a project.

  • To ask you for information.

  • You may also receive emails from third-party providers.

Some notifications are required elements of your transactions on our platform, such as confirmations of particular actions you have taken. These mandatory notices are sent typically to notify you of a change in status. For example, when you register an Account, you will receive emails confirming specific actions you requested. These will include emails to which you must respond to complete your registration and notifications confirming your registration.

We also send out notices that are required for legal or security purposes. For example, certain notifications are sent for your own protection to ensure that another person cannot make a change to your Account without your knowledge. In other cases, these notifications involve changes to various legal agreements or Site policies. Generally, you may not opt out of such service-related emails.

IX. Modifying and Deleting Information

We urge you to review your information regularly to ensure that it is correct and complete. To modify or delete your personal information, please log in and update your profile. We may retain certain information as required by law or for necessary business purposes.

X. How We Protect Your Information

We have put in place systems designed to protect your personal information, including:

  • We employ a secure channel, using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption, the standard for secure Internet network connections, to protect information exchanged over the Internet between your web browser and our servers.

  • Our employees and agents are required to abide by this Privacy Policy.

  • We use automated tools to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload information, change information, or otherwise seek to gain unauthorized entry into our systems.

  • We take additional steps to protect especially sensitive information.

Nevertheless, no security system is perfect. We cannot guarantee that your personal information will remain private. 

XI. Third Party Sites            

You might navigate to websites maintained by third parties by clicking on a link from our Site, including through a banner advertisement. Once you leave our Site, the terms of this Privacy Policy no longer apply. We do not control the privacy policies or the privacy practices of any third parties.

XII. Security Policy   

A. Access Limitations

We limit access to the personal information we have about you to those employees and other persons who have a legitimate business need to access such information. In keeping with industry standards and practices, we maintain appropriate physical, electronic and procedural safeguards and controls to protect your information.  The Site is built upon a secure infrastructure with multiple layers of protection, and we use industry-standard encryption technologies to safeguard your information.

Users are required to identify and authenticate themselves prior to accessing sensitive portions of the Site.  Generally, identification and authentication take place through the use of your username and a password and/or while logging in with one of our support staff.          

B.  Notifications of Security Systems Breach

If we learn of a security systems breach, then we will attempt to notify you electronically or in writing so that you can take appropriate protective steps.  We may also post a notice on or through the Site in the event of a security breach.               

C. Take Precautionary Measures

You can take several precautions to protect the security of your computer and personal information.  For instance, you can use a well-chosen password and restrict access to your email account.  You can also install and regularly update antivirus and firewall software to protect your computer from external attacks by malicious Users.  When you are finished with a session on the Site, be sure that you log out and close the browser window.

You should also be aware of fraudulent attempts to gain access to your account information through "phishing," whereby scammers try to bring unsuspecting people to a website by using a genuine-looking email purporting to be from a legitimate company. Sometimes, either in the email itself or on this fake site, scammers will ask for login information to gain access to people's Accounts and withdraw their money.  

We will never send you an email asking you for your login information.  In general, you can protect yourself against phishing by never providing personal or login information via a link contained in an email; instead, go the website directly.  You might also make it a habit to check the URL of a website to be sure that it begins with the correct domain.  In the case of the Company, you should always ensure the URL begins with https:/climatewrx.com.

Transmissions over the Internet are never 100% secure or error-free. Therefore, you should take special care in deciding what information you send to us via email. Please keep this in mind when disclosing any personal information to ClimateWrx or through ClimateWrx Service via the Internet.

XIII. Notice of Privacy Rights to California Residents

California law requires that we provide you with a summary of your privacy rights under the California Online Privacy Protection Act (the “California Act”) and the California Business and Professions Code. If you are a California resident, California law may provide you with additional rights regarding our use of your personal information. The California Act requires us to inform you, at your request, (1) the categories of personal information we collect and what third parties we share that information with; (2) the names and addresses of those third parties; and (3) examples of the products marketed by those companies. The California Act further requires us to allow you to control who you do not want us to share that information with. To obtain this information, please send a request by email or standard mail. When contacting us, please indicate your name, address, email address, and what personal information you do not want us to share with marketing partners. The request should be sent to the attention of our legal department and labeled “California Customer Choice Notice.” To make a request, please send an email to support[at]climatewrx.com. Please allow 30 days for a response. There is no charge.

XIV. Contact Us                        

A. Complaints and Suggestions

Please send your privacy-related complaints and suggestions to support[at]climatewrx.com. You can also send complaints to regulators. Please contact your state’s consumer protection authority.

B. Right To Opt-Out.

If at any time you wish to opt-out of the above Privacy Policy, you may do so at any time by contacting us by email at support[at]climatewrx.com. If at any time you so decide to opt-out by contacting us at the above email, ClimateWrx will cease the sharing or use of your information after a reasonable amount of time to process such a request. However, please be advised that our Service, including but not limited to our investment platform, requires the sharing of your information in order to service your activity on our Site. In such a case, it may be necessary for us to terminate your use of the Service.

Privacy Policy

Last Updated September 21, 2022